Bride Groom fireworks display Notley Abbey

Fantastic Fireworks

Available at Notley Abbey only

Tell us a little about Fantastic Fireworks?

Fantastic Fireworks is a name you can trust. We offer a quality service backed by 30 years of history and a repertoire of world class shows at national and international events. We regularly fire at events ranging from weddings to film festivals and have been invited to compete in 2 pyro musical competitions in 2015.

Do you have the necessary insurance?

Yes £10 million public liability. If necessary, do you liaise with the local council and obtain the necessary permissions on the couple’s behalf? Yes, when required (council, air traffic control, coastguard etc)

What are you favourite trends?

Heart – shaped fireworks in the sky


What are you expecting see more mainstream/more common in the next year or two?

Fireworks designed for venues with a noise issue – quiet yet spectacular.

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